Practical, accurate and engaging content is at the heart at everything I do. I will help you identify key messages and shape them into whatever format you need in order to reach your audience. Whether it is a staff newsletter, press release, excerpt for a funding report, case study, article, script or simply a strapline, I’ll make sure it ‘does what it says on the tin’ and gets your point across. My copywriting is tailored to its audience and will reflect the voice and tone of your brand / organisation or project. Whether it is short snappy text for a poster or the weighty tome of a staff handbook, your finished product will scream with professionalism and be polished within an inch of its life.
Ask me about brochures, press releases, flyers, speeches, articles, newsletters, features, competitions, straplines, websites, blogs, direct mailers, programmes, brochures, handbooks, manuals, reviews and more!